A C library for creating QML bindings for other languages easily through exporting objects to QML
Files | Classes | Functions

Defines an object type for use in QML type system. More...


file  metaclass.h
 Contains all methods defined on qmlbind_metaclass.


struct  qmlbind_metaclass
 an opaque struct mainly used as self argument in the methods defined in qmlbind_metaclass. More...


QMLBIND_API qmlbind_metaclassqmlbind_metaclass_new (qmlbind_client_class *classObject, const char *className, qmlbind_client_callbacks callbacks)
 Creates a new qmlbind_metaclass. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_release (qmlbind_metaclass *self)
 Destroys the qmlbind_metaclass.
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_add_method (qmlbind_metaclass *self, const char *name, int arity)
 Adds a new method name for the resulting metaobject with arity number of parameters. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_add_signal (qmlbind_metaclass *self, const char *name, int arity, const char *const *params)
 Adds a new signal name for the resulting metaobject with arity number of parameters. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_add_property (qmlbind_metaclass *self, const char *name, const char *notifierSignal)
 Adds a new property name for the resulting metaobject, which should emit notifierSignal on changes. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_metaclass_register (const qmlbind_metaclass *self, const char *uri, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, const char *qmlName)
 exposes the metaclass as qmlName component to QML type system. More...

Detailed Description

Defines an object type for use in QML type system.

It enables you to wrap client objects into a QML object type and instantiate them in QML. It is also possible to create wrappers as qmlbind_value in qmlbind_engine_new_wrapper.

Internally, the qmlbind_metaclass creates a QMetaObject for the wrapper Qt objects.

It is not recommended to use multiple qmlbind_metaclass instances for the same class name to prevent possible internal blow-up or strange side effects.

libqmlbind's rough equivalent of Meta-Object Compiler.

Function Documentation

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_metaclass* qmlbind_metaclass_new ( qmlbind_client_class classObject,
const char *  className,
qmlbind_client_callbacks  callbacks 

Creates a new qmlbind_metaclass.

classObjectwill be given as parameter to the new_object function of the provided qmlbind_client_callbacks. You can use it to hand over the equivalent of class objects in your language to implement a generic new_object function. If you don't need it, just hand over a nullpointer. This function does not take ownership of the classObject, but it still needs to be valid for as long as new objects are created (i.e. the whole application lifetime).
classNameis used for registering this metaclass in the metaobject system.
callbacksis used to create, use and delete instances of the metaobject to build. You can either create a single, generic one and pass that to every new qmlbind_metaclass_new, or create specific ones for each metaclass.
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_add_method ( qmlbind_metaclass self,
const char *  name,
int  arity 

Adds a new method name for the resulting metaobject with arity number of parameters.

Such methods can either directly be called from QML or be used as QML signal handlers, as described in Signal and Handler Event System.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QObject's Q_INVOKABLE.

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_add_signal ( qmlbind_metaclass self,
const char *  name,
int  arity,
const char *const *  params 

Adds a new signal name for the resulting metaobject with arity number of parameters.

params specifies the name of the signal parameters and has to be of length arity, which means you have to specify a name for each parameter.

Such signals can be received by QML signal handlers, as described in Signal and Handler Event System.

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_metaclass_add_property ( qmlbind_metaclass self,
const char *  name,
const char *  notifierSignal 

Adds a new property name for the resulting metaobject, which should emit notifierSignal on changes.

Properties in libqmlbind are always readable and writable from QML code, and must have a notifierSignal for changes. Other possibilities, like a read-only or a constant proprerty, are not yet explicitly supported. But of course you could can use a signal that is never emitted and refrain from writing to the properties…

Read & write operations will be executed through qmlbind_client_callbacks' read_property & write_property functions.

notifierSignalhas to be a valid signal name, which means neither a nullptr nor an empty string. The signal should be added with qmlbind_metaclass_add_signal in advance, or else a warning will be issued. Notify signals are usually named <propertyname>Changed in Qt.

libqmlbind's equivalent of Q_PROPERTY, always using READ, WRITE and NOTIFY.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_metaclass_register ( const qmlbind_metaclass self,
const char *  uri,
int  versionMajor,
int  versionMinor,
const char *  qmlName 

exposes the metaclass as qmlName component to QML type system.

uri, versionMajor and versionMinor is the package uri and version under which this metaclass is made available to QML. After calling this function, you can import the component as:

1 import <uri> <versionMajor>.<versionMinor>

The content of the metaclass is copied when this function is called. You can destroy the metaclass just after calling this function, but you should keep around the metaclass if you are going to use qmlbind_engine_new_wrapper later on for the same class.

After registering, metaclass changes such as method addition will not be reflected in the QML type system.

This is libqmlbind's rough equivalent of QQmlEngine::registerType.