A C library for creating QML bindings for other languages easily through exporting objects to QML
Files | Classes | Functions

Provides an environment for instantiating QML components. More...


file  engine.h
 Contains all methods defined on qmlbind_engine.


struct  qmlbind_engine
 an opaque struct mainly used as self argument in the methods defined in qmlbind_engine. More...


QMLBIND_API qmlbind_engineqmlbind_engine_new ()
 Create a new QQmlEngine. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_engine_release (qmlbind_engine *self)
 Destroys the QQmlEngine. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_engine_eval (qmlbind_engine *self, const char *str, const char *fileName, int lineNumber)
 Evaluates program, using lineNumber as the base line number, and returns the result of the evaluation. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_engine_get_global_object (const qmlbind_engine *self)
 Returns this engine's Global Object. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_engine_new_object (qmlbind_engine *self)
 Creates a JavaScript object of class Object. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_engine_new_array (qmlbind_engine *self, int length)
 Creates a JavaScript object of class Array with the given length. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_engine_new_wrapper (qmlbind_engine *self, const qmlbind_metaclass *metaclass, qmlbind_client_object *object)
 Creates a JavaScript object that wraps the given object. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_engine_add_import_path (qmlbind_engine *self, const char *path)
 Adds path as a directory where the engine searches for installed modules in a URL-based directory structure. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_engine_collect_garbage (qmlbind_engine *self)
 Runs the garbage collector. More...

Detailed Description

Provides an environment for instantiating QML components.

libqmlbind only supports creation of components in each engine's root context.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QQmlEngine.

Function Documentation

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_engine* qmlbind_engine_new ( )

Create a new QQmlEngine.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QQmlEngine::QQmlEngine.

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_engine_release ( qmlbind_engine self)

Destroys the QQmlEngine.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QQmlEngine::~QQmlEngine

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_engine_eval ( qmlbind_engine self,
const char *  str,
const char *  fileName,
int  lineNumber 

Evaluates program, using lineNumber as the base line number, and returns the result of the evaluation.

Transfers ownership of the returned qmlbind_value to the caller.

The script code will be evaluated in the context of the global object.

The evaluation of program can cause an exception in the engine; in this case the return value will be the exception that was thrown (typically an error value) ; see qmlbind_value_is_error.

lineNumber is used to specify a starting line number for program; line number information reported by the engine that pertains to this evaluation will be based on this argument. For example, if program consists of two lines of code, and the statement on the second line causes a script exception, the exception line number would be lineNumber plus one.

When no starting line number is specified, line numbers will be 1-based.

fileName is used for error reporting. For example, in error objects the file name is accessible through the "fileName" property if it is provided with this function.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSEngine::evaluate

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_engine_get_global_object ( const qmlbind_engine self)

Returns this engine's Global Object.

Transfers ownership of the returned qmlbind_value to the caller.

By default, the Global Object contains the built-in objects that are part of ECMA-262, such as Math, Date and String. Additionally, you can set properties of the Global Object to make your own extensions available to all script code. Non-local variables in script code will be created as properties of the Global Object, as well as local variables in global code.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSEngine::globalObject

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_engine_new_object ( qmlbind_engine self)

Creates a JavaScript object of class Object.

The prototype of the created object will be the Object prototype object.

Transfers ownership of the returned qmlbind_value to the caller.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSEngine::newObject

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_engine_new_array ( qmlbind_engine self,
int  length 

Creates a JavaScript object of class Array with the given length.

Transfers ownership of the returned qmlbind_value to the caller.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSEngine::newObject

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_engine_new_wrapper ( qmlbind_engine self,
const qmlbind_metaclass metaclass,
qmlbind_client_object object 

Creates a JavaScript object that wraps the given object.

This is intended to be used to expose qmlbind_client_object instances that were created by the client code directly to QML via qmlbind_value_set_properties(), e.g. on the Global Object returned by qmlbind_engine_get_global_object(). In that case, the metaclasses don't need to be registered via qmlbind_metaclass_register and don't need to be created inside QML.

If the object should be able to send signals, you must create a qmlbind_signal_emitter for it afterwards by calling qmlbind_signal_emitter_new() with the returned value.

Transfers ownership of the returned qmlbind_value to the caller. Takes ownership of object.

Signals and slots, properties and children of object are available as properties of the created qmlbind_value.

If object is a null pointer, this function returns a null value.

After creating a wrapper, metaclass changes such as method addition will not be reflected in the created wrapper.

You can destroy the metaclass just after calling this function, but you should keep around the metaclass if you are going to use qmlbind_engine_new_wrapper again for the same class.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSEngine::newQObject plus the additional wrapper logic to create a QObject for object with metaclass.

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_engine_add_import_path ( qmlbind_engine self,
const char *  path 

Adds path as a directory where the engine searches for installed modules in a URL-based directory structure.

The path may be a local filesystem directory, a Qt Resource path (:/imports), a Qt Resource url (qrc:/imports) or a URL.

The path will be converted into canonical form before it is added to the import path list.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QQmlEngine::addImportPath.

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_engine_collect_garbage ( qmlbind_engine self)

Runs the garbage collector.

The garbage collector will attempt to reclaim memory by locating and disposing of objects that are no longer reachable in the script environment.

Normally you don't need to call this function; the garbage collector will automatically be invoked when the qmlbind_engine decides that it's wise to do so (i.e. when a certain number of new objects have been created). However, you can call this function to explicitly request that garbage collection should be performed as soon as possible.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSEngine::collectGarbage.