A C library for creating QML bindings for other languages easily through exporting objects to QML
Files | Classes | Functions

acts as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types. More...


file  value.h
 Contains all methods defined on qmlbind_value.


struct  qmlbind_value
 an opaque struct mainly used as self argument in the methods defined in qmlbind_value. More...


QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_new_undefined ()
 Constructs a new undefined qmlbind_value. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_new_null ()
 Constructs a new null qmlbind_value. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_release (qmlbind_value *self)
 Destroys this qmlbind_value.
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_clone (const qmlbind_value *other)
 Constructs a new qmlbind_value that is a copy of other. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_equal (const qmlbind_value *value1, const qmlbind_value *value2)
 Returns true if value1 is equal to value2, otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_identical (const qmlbind_value *value1, const qmlbind_value *value2)
 Returns true if value1 is equal to value2 using strict comparison (no conversion), otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_undefined (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Undefined; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_null (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Null; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_boolean (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Boolean; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_number (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Number; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_string (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type String; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_object (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the Object type; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_array (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is an object of the Array class; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_function (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value can be called as function, otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_error (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is an object of the Error class; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_wrapper (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns true if this qmlbind_value is a wrapper around a C object; otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_new_boolean (int value)
 Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a boolean value. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_get_boolean (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns the boolean value of this qmlbind_value, as defined in ECMA-262 section 9.2, "ToBoolean". More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_new_number (double value)
 Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a number value. More...
QMLBIND_API double qmlbind_value_get_number (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns the number value of this qmlbind_value, as defined in ECMA-262 section 9.3, "ToNumber". More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_new_string (int length, const char *value)
 Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a the first length chars of string value. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_new_string_cstr (const char *value)
 Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a \0-terminated string value. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_stringqmlbind_value_get_string (const qmlbind_value *self)
 Returns the string value of this qmlbind_value, as defined in ECMA-262 section 9.8, "ToString". Ownership is transfered to the caller. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_get_property (const qmlbind_value *self, const char *key)
 Returns the value of this qmlbind_value's property with the given name. If no such property exists, an undefined qmlbind_value is returned. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_set_property (qmlbind_value *self, const char *key, const qmlbind_value *value)
 Sets the value of this qmlbind_value's property with the given name to the given value. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_delete_property (qmlbind_value *self, const char *key)
 Attempts to delete this object's property of the given name. Returns true if the property was deleted, otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_has_property (const qmlbind_value *self, const char *key)
 Returns true if this object has a property of the given name, otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_has_own_property (const qmlbind_value *self, const char *key)
 Returns true if this object has an own (not prototype-inherited) property of the given name, otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_get_prototype (const qmlbind_value *self)
 If this qmlbind_value is an object, returns the internal prototype (proto property) of this object; otherwise returns an undefined qmlbind_value. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_set_prototype (qmlbind_value *self, const qmlbind_value *proto)
 If this qmlbind_value is an object, sets the internal prototype (proto property) of this object to be prototype; if the qmlbind_value is null, it sets the prototype to null; otherwise does nothing. More...
QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_has_index (const qmlbind_value *self, int index)
 Returns true if this object has a property index, otherwise returns false. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_get_array_item (const qmlbind_value *self, int index)
 Returns the property at the given index. More...
QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_set_array_item (qmlbind_value *self, int index, const qmlbind_value *property)
 Sets the property at the given index to the given value. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_call (qmlbind_value *self, int argc, const qmlbind_value *const *argv)
 Calls this qmlbind_value as a function, passing argc number of arguments from argv as arguments to the function, and using the globalObject() as the "this"-object. Returns the value returned from the function. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_call_constructor (qmlbind_value *function, int argc, const qmlbind_value *const *argv)
 Creates a new Object and calls this libqmlbind_value as a constructor, using the created object as the `this' object and passing argc number of arguments from argv as arguments. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_valueqmlbind_value_call_with_instance (qmlbind_value *self, qmlbind_value *instance, int argc, const qmlbind_value *const *argv)
 Calls this qmlbind_value as a function, using instance as the `this' object in the function call, and passing argc number of arguments from argv as arguments to the function. Returns the value returned from the function. More...
QMLBIND_API qmlbind_client_objectqmlbind_value_unwrap (const qmlbind_value *self)
 If this qmlbind_value is a wrapper, returns the qmlbind_client_object inside the wrapper; otherwise, returns 0. More...

Detailed Description

acts as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types.

qmlbind_value supports the types defined in the ECMA-262 standard: The primitive types, which are Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, and String; and the Object type.

Additionally, built-in support is provided for wrappers around C objects exposed to the metaobject system.

For the object-based types, use the qmlbind_engine_new_T() functions, e.g. qmlbind_engine_new_object() to create objects of the desired type. For the primitive types, use one of the qmlbind_value constructors.

The methods named qmlbind_value_is_T() (e.g. qmlbind_value_is_bool(), qmlbind_value_is_undefined()) can be used to test if a value is of a certain type.

The methods named qmlbind_value_get_T() (e.g. qmlbind_value_get_bool(), qmlbind_value_get_string()) can be used to convert a qmlbind_value to another type.

Object values have zero or more properties which are themselves qmlbind_values. Use qmlbind_value_set_property() to set a property of an object, and call qmlbind_value_get_property() to retrieve the value of a property.

qmlbind_value *myOtherObject = qmlbind_engine_new_object(myEngine);
qmlbind_value_set_property(myObject, "myChild", myOtherObject);
qmlbind_value_set_property(myObject, "name", name);

If you want to iterate over the properties of a script object, use the qmlbind_iterator class.

Object values have an internal prototype property, which can be accessed with qmlbind_value_get_prototype() and qmlbind_value_set_prototype().

Function objects (objects for which qmlbind_value_is_function() returns true) can be invoked by calling qmlbind_value_call(). Constructor functions can be used to construct new objects by calling qmlbind_value_call_constructor().

Use qmlbind_value_is_equal() or qmlbind_value_is_identical() to compare a qmlbind_values to another.

Note that a qmlbind_value for which qmlbind_value_is_object() is true only carries a reference to an actual object; copying the qmlbind_value will only copy the object reference, not the object itself. If you want to clone an object (i.e. copy an object's properties to another object), you can do so with the help of a for-in statement in QML script code, or qmlbind_iterator in C.

libqmlbind's equivalent of a QJSValue.

Function Documentation

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_new_undefined ( )

Constructs a new undefined qmlbind_value.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue called with QJSValue::UndefinedValue.

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_new_null ( )

Constructs a new null qmlbind_value.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue called with QJSValue::NullValue.

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_clone ( const qmlbind_value other)

Constructs a new qmlbind_value that is a copy of other.

Note that if other is an object (i.e., qmlbind_value_is_object() would return true), then only a reference to the underlying object is copied into the new script value (i.e., the object itself is not copied).

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue called as copy-constructor.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_equal ( const qmlbind_value value1,
const qmlbind_value value2 

Returns true if value1 is equal to value2, otherwise returns false.

The comparison follows the behavior described in ECMA-262 section 11.9.3, "The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm".

This function can return true even if the type of this qmlbind_value is different from the type of the other value; i.e. the comparison is not strict. For example, comparing the number 9 to the string "9" returns true; comparing an undefined value to a null value returns true; comparing a Number object whose primitive value is 6 to a String object whose primitive value is "6" returns true; and comparing the number 1 to the boolean value true returns true. If you want to perform a comparison without such implicit value conversion, use qmlbind_value_is_identical().

Note that if value1 or value2 are objects, calling this function has side effects on the script engine, since the engine will call the object's valueOf() function (and possibly toString()) in an attempt to convert the object to a primitive value (possibly resulting in an uncaught script exception).

See also qmlbind_value_is_identical().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::equals.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_identical ( const qmlbind_value value1,
const qmlbind_value value2 

Returns true if value1 is equal to value2 using strict comparison (no conversion), otherwise returns false.

The comparison follows the behavior described in ECMA-262 section 11.9.6, "The Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm".

If the type of value1 is different from the type of the value2, this function returns false. If the types are equal, the result depends on the type, as shown in the following table:

Type Result
Undefined true
Null true
Boolean true if both values are true, false otherwise
Number false if either value is NaN (Not-a-Number); true if values are equal, false otherwise
String true if both values are exactly the same sequence of characters, false otherwise
Object true if both values refer to the same object, false otherwise

See also qmlbind_value_is_equal().

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_undefined ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Undefined; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isUndefined.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_null ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Null; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isNull.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_boolean ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Boolean; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isBool.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_number ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type Number; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isNumber.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_string ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the primitive type String; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isString.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_object ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is of the Object type; otherwise returns false.

Note that function values and wrapper values are objects, so this function returns true for such values.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isObject.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_array ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is an object of the Array class; otherwise returns false.

See also qmlbind_engine_new_array().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isArray.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_function ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value can be called as function, otherwise returns false.

See also qmlbind_value_call().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isCallable.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_error ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is an object of the Error class; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::isError.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_is_wrapper ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns true if this qmlbind_value is a wrapper around a C object; otherwise returns false.

libqmlbind's rough equivalent of QJSValue::isQObject.

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_new_boolean ( int  value)

Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a boolean value.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue(bool)

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_get_boolean ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns the boolean value of this qmlbind_value, as defined in ECMA-262 section 9.2, "ToBoolean".

Note that if this qmlbind_value is an object, calling this function has side effects on the script engine, since the engine will call the object's valueOf() function (and possibly toString()) in an attempt to convert the object to a primitive value (possibly resulting in an uncaught script exception).

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::toBool().

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_new_number ( double  value)

Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a number value.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue(double)

QMLBIND_API double qmlbind_value_get_number ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns the number value of this qmlbind_value, as defined in ECMA-262 section 9.3, "ToNumber".

Note that if this qmlbind_value is an object, calling this function has side effects on the script engine, since the engine will call the object's valueOf() function (and possibly toString()) in an attempt to convert the object to a primitive value (possibly resulting in an uncaught script exception).

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::toNumber().

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_new_string ( int  length,
const char *  value 

Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a the first length chars of string value.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue(const QString &)

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_new_string_cstr ( const char *  value)

Constructs a new qmlbind_value with a \0-terminated string value.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::QJSValue(const QString &)

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_string* qmlbind_value_get_string ( const qmlbind_value self)

Returns the string value of this qmlbind_value, as defined in ECMA-262 section 9.8, "ToString". Ownership is transfered to the caller.

Note that if this qmlbind_value is an object, calling this function has side effects on the script engine, since the engine will call the object's valueOf() function (and possibly toString()) in an attempt to convert the object to a primitive value (possibly resulting in an uncaught script exception).

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::toNumber().

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_get_property ( const qmlbind_value self,
const char *  key 

Returns the value of this qmlbind_value's property with the given name. If no such property exists, an undefined qmlbind_value is returned.

If the property is implemented using a getter function (i.e. has the PropertyGetter flag set), calling qmlbind_value_get_propert() has side-effects on the script engine, since the getter function will be called (possibly resulting in an uncaught script exception). If an exception occurred, property() returns the value that was thrown (typically an Error object).

Ownership of the returned qmlbind_value is transfered to the caller.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::property().

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_set_property ( qmlbind_value self,
const char *  key,
const qmlbind_value value 

Sets the value of this qmlbind_value's property with the given name to the given value.

If this qmlbind_value is not an object, this function does nothing.

If this qmlbind_value does not already have a property with name name, a new property is created.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::setProperty.

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_delete_property ( qmlbind_value self,
const char *  key 

Attempts to delete this object's property of the given name. Returns true if the property was deleted, otherwise returns false.

The behavior of this function is consistent with the JavaScript delete operator. In particular:

  • Non-configurable properties cannot be deleted.
  • This function will return true even if this object doesn't have a property of the given name (i.e., non-existent properties are "trivially deletable").
  • If this object doesn't have an own property of the given name, but an object in the prototype() chain does, the prototype object's property is not deleted, and this function returns true.

See also qmlbind_value_set_property() and qmlbind_value_has_own_property().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::deleteProperty().

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_has_property ( const qmlbind_value self,
const char *  key 

Returns true if this object has a property of the given name, otherwise returns false.

See also qmlbind_value_get_property() and qmlbind_value_has_own_property().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::hasProperty().

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_has_own_property ( const qmlbind_value self,
const char *  key 

Returns true if this object has an own (not prototype-inherited) property of the given name, otherwise returns false.

See also qmlbind_value_get_property() and qmlbind_value_has_property().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::hasOwnProperty.

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_get_prototype ( const qmlbind_value self)

If this qmlbind_value is an object, returns the internal prototype (proto property) of this object; otherwise returns an undefined qmlbind_value.

See also qmlbind_value_set_prototype() and qmlbind_value_is_object().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::prototype().

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_set_prototype ( qmlbind_value self,
const qmlbind_value proto 

If this qmlbind_value is an object, sets the internal prototype (proto property) of this object to be prototype; if the qmlbind_value is null, it sets the prototype to null; otherwise does nothing.

The internal prototype should not be confused with the public property with name "prototype"; the public prototype is usually only set on functions that act as constructors.

See also qmlbind_value_get_prototype() and qmlbind_value_is_object().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::setPrototype().

QMLBIND_API int qmlbind_value_has_index ( const qmlbind_value self,
int  index 

Returns true if this object has a property index, otherwise returns false.

This function is provided for convenience when working with array objects.

If this qmlbind_value is not an Array object, this function behaves as if qmlbind_value_get_property() was called with the string representation of index.

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_get_array_item ( const qmlbind_value self,
int  index 

Returns the property at the given index.

This function is provided for convenience and performance when working with array objects.

If this qmlbind_value is not an Array object, this function behaves as if qmlbind_value_get_property() was called with the string representation of index.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::property(quint32 arrayIndex).

QMLBIND_API void qmlbind_value_set_array_item ( qmlbind_value self,
int  index,
const qmlbind_value property 

Sets the property at the given index to the given value.

This function is provided for convenience and performance when working with array objects.

If this qmlbind_value is not an Array object, this function behaves as if qmlbind_value_set_property() was called with the string representation of index.

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::setProperty(quint32 arrayIndex, const QJSValue&.

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_call ( qmlbind_value self,
int  argc,
const qmlbind_value *const *  argv 

Calls this qmlbind_value as a function, passing argc number of arguments from argv as arguments to the function, and using the globalObject() as the "this"-object. Returns the value returned from the function.

Ownership of the returned value is transfered to the caller.

If this qmlbind_value is not callable, qmlbind_value_call() does nothing and returns an undefined qmlbind_value.

Calling qmlbind_value_call() can cause an exception to occur in the script engine; in that case, qmlbind_value_call() returns the value that was thrown (typically an Error object). You can call qmlbind_value_is_error() on the return value to determine whether an exception occurred.

See also qmlbind_value_is_function(), qmlbind_value_call_with_instance(), and `qmlbind_value_call_as_constructor().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::call().

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_call_constructor ( qmlbind_value function,
int  argc,
const qmlbind_value *const *  argv 

Creates a new Object and calls this libqmlbind_value as a constructor, using the created object as the `this' object and passing argc number of arguments from argv as arguments.

If the return value from the constructor call is an object, then that object is returned; otherwise the default constructed object is returned.

Ownership of the returned value is transfered to the caller.

If this qmlbind_value is not a function, qmlbind_value_call_constructor() does nothing and returns an undefined qmlbind_value.

Calling this function can cause an exception to occur in the script engine; in that case, the value that was thrown (typically an Error object) is returned. You can call qmlbind_value_is_error() on the return value to determine whether an exception occurred.

See also qmlbind_value_call() and qmlbind_engine_new_object().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::callAsConstructor().

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_value* qmlbind_value_call_with_instance ( qmlbind_value self,
qmlbind_value instance,
int  argc,
const qmlbind_value *const *  argv 

Calls this qmlbind_value as a function, using instance as the `this' object in the function call, and passing argc number of arguments from argv as arguments to the function. Returns the value returned from the function.

If this qmlbind_value is not a function, this does nothing and returns an undefined qmlbind_value.

Ownership of the returned value is transfered to the caller.

Note that if instance is not an object, the global object (see qmlbind_engine_get_global_object()) will be used as the `this' object.

Calling this function can cause an exception to occur in the script engine; in that case, the value that was thrown (typically an Error object) is returned. You can call qmlbind_value_is_error() on the return value to determine whether an exception occurred.

See also qmlbind_value_call().

libqmlbind's equivalent of QJSValue::callWithInstance().

QMLBIND_API qmlbind_client_object* qmlbind_value_unwrap ( const qmlbind_value self)

If this qmlbind_value is a wrapper, returns the qmlbind_client_object inside the wrapper; otherwise, returns 0.

Does not transfer ownership of the unwrapped qmlbind_client_object.

libqmlbind's rough equivalent of QJSValue::toQObject().